Hi again,
I tried to have a go at designing my own road safety poster (the above one), I hope its OK. If any one has a comment please tell me, esp. if the Arabic needs correcting. Please feel free to download and use it. By the way for those who can't read or understand Arabic, it reads: " Click (tak! in Arabic), the sound that could save your life, seat belts reduce the possibility of death and injuries by 50%, think....use the seat belt!"
As mentioned in my previous post, I will have other safety education stuff, including for children and teachers (including mobile phone wallpapers which people can bluetooth to each other, "spread safety"). Just can't seem to find the time to work on these projects!
The following poster which I borrowed from the "WHO-World Health Organisation", had no corresponding Arabic poster, so I modified it and added Arabic to the poster, I tried contacting the WHO to ask permission for posting it to no avail, Meanwhile I will post the Arabic modification, if any one from the WHO reading this has any objections, please, please tell me and I will withdraw it from my blog immediately, meanwhile I will try to contact them again. Please try to contribute as well. Again, if there any mistakes in the Arabic please tell me! Thanks.
Please click on images to enlarge.
well done Beacon, very useful I am sure, you are doing a good job.
Thanks very much Anglolibyan. It’s just a modest attempt; my main aim is to try to stimulate people who are more talented esp. linguistically and artistically to contribute. If we could start to make and publish evidence based material esp. for children, so parents and teachers in Libya/Arab world could use as a resource to teach them, it will be a great achievement. If you start instilling good safety practices and sense in young children it will carry on with them to their adulthood. Things that could be done include posters, books (PDF format, which can be distributed and printed easily), Mobile phone pictures (wall papers), games etc. Believe me education does work. I will soon show the evidence to this fact. I JUST NEED TO FIND THE TIME!!! I must stress though all of this needs to be carefully researched and moderated to avoid errors, it is a big responsibility, non-the-less the intention is good. Allah help us all and keep us safe.
Here's a web site about children's safety in cars, Salim and Salima. The contents of the site is very good, so is the documentary video they have. I'm sure that will spark some more ideas.
Thanks Hannu!
Welcome to my blog. I am very grateful for telling me about this website! Its amazing, I was so relieved that there was finally an Arab website dedicated to road safety and for kids as well. Allah bless you. I will go through it. I will place it in my Links section. Please place the link in your blog as well. Thanks again Hannu, I hope to hear from you soon.
The second picture gave me goosebumps!
I admire your concern about road safetly :)
Believe me, I worked in the trauma department in Tripoli, what I saw there was more horrific than any one can imagine. Some times they would wheel in 5 dead young people at a time, all very tragic and needless and totally preventable. May Allah protect our loved ones.
I have added the link from hannu as well.
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