Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Khan Academy: Free Online Education

An amazing project called the "Khan Academy" by a dedicated person called Salman Khan. He's a Muslim American who gave up a lucrative career to pursue a passion to educate people. There are over 2000 videos to date and they're still growing. All this for free! He does not profit one bit from the lectures he puts online.
His lectures include subjects such as maths, chemistry, economics, history and much more.
I've included a sample of his videos below.

Please spread the word about his website. Many people can use his lectures to prepare for high school, college and university exams, or you can just use it as a great educational tool to learn things you wished you could have at school.

Mr Khan is also seeking help to translate some of his online lectures. Are there any Arabic speakers who have the skills to help? That would be great and beneficial thing to do to help Arabic speaking students.

Thank you Salman, may Allah guide you and give you grace for this tremendous thing you're doing.

His lectures can all be found here: http://www.khanacademy.org/

Anatomy of a muscle cell:

Adding and subtracting fractions:

The French Revolution (part 1):


Maria Ednar Andrade said...

The diffusion of culture, knowledge is of paramount importance for personal development and also for the development of society. An individual service works in a more active society in which to live. This important initiative of Mr. Salman Khan.

African Mango said...

It's so refreshing to find articles like the ones you post on your site. Very informative reading.


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