Sunday, June 6, 2010

Roger Waters - "We Shall Overcome"سوف ننتصر- روجر واترس End The Blockade of Gaza

A song by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. It's heartening to watch the support of humans from all walks of life for their brothers and sisters in Gaza. Support has come from the very famous to the normal person on the street. It has come from Muslims, Christians, Jews and from people of all beliefs and nationalities including Israelis. Support which can even cost lives as we saw last week, when nine peace loving Turkish nationals bravely and heroically lost their lives for this most human of causes.
People have spoken up for the truth and against injustice and the suffering of the Palestinians. This is all against the backdrop of overwhelming misrepresentation and misinformation from the major world media outlets which have neglected and in many cases lied or at best remained silent about the plight and the suffering of the people in Gaza.

It's peaceful endeavors like this and the heroic and courageous efforts of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla that show us the beauty and unity of the human spirit and that divisions are only created by a few to meet their evil agendas but these divisions are not meant to be and they will be broken down.

It's voices like yours Roger that bring down the prison walls and artificial divisions, you have helped do that before in Berlin when its wall was taken down. The truth will set us all free. Yes, we shall overcome, justice always prevails, history has shown us this and will show us again.

Thank you Roger and may the voices of truth and morality prevail and unite us all for the common good of humanity.

Below is what Roger wrote in the description of the above video:

"Over the new year 2009-2010, an international group of 1500 men and women from 42 nations went to Egypt to join a Freedom March to Gaza. They did this to protest the current blockade of Gaza. To protest the fact that the people of Gaza live in a virtual prison. To protest the fact that a year after the terror attack by Israeli armed forces destroyed most of their homes, hospitals, schools, and other public buildings, they have no possibility to rebuild because their borders are closed. The would be Freedom Marchers wanted to peacefully draw attention to the predicament of the Palestinian population of Gaza. The Egyptian government, (funded to the tune of $2.1 billion a year, by us, the US tax payers), would not allow the marchers to approach Gaza. How lame is that? And how predictable! I live in the USA and during this time Dec 25th 2009-Jan3rd 2010 I saw no reference to Gaza or the Freedom March or the multi national protesters gathered there. Anyway I was moved, in the circumstances, to record a new version of " We shall overcome". It seems appropriate.

Roger Waters

Many thanks to G.E Smith: lead guitar and Thor Jonsson, drum programming and whatever. Thanks guys!!!

PS. 3rd June 2010

And now piracy!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

السلام عليكم
مررت على المدونة لأحييكم و أقول رمضان كريم


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