Friday, April 27, 2007

Video: Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet

One of the most brilliant video's I have EVER seen and I'm not exaggerating. Please find the time to watch this amazing video, I promise you will not be disappointed, be you Muslim or not.
In fact if you are not Muslim, please watch it and it will truly enlighten you to this religion and I hope it will help alley any fears you have towards Islam or Muslims.
Thank you PBS for this documentary, it really shows what true Islam is, free from the main stream western media's usual deliberate, ignorant and constant defamation.
Islam is a religion of peace, love, compassion and tolerance to fellow humans from what ever creed or religion.
I hope you find the video inspiring and humbling as I have.
Peace be upon our beloved prophet.

NB: The official website from PBS that accompanies this documentary is here.


Akram said...

Peace Beacon and I thank you for sharing this video with us, I have nothing to add just echo your words

Beacon said...

Hi, good to see you back :),
Thanks for your comment.
I'm glad you enjoyed it Adam, I certainly did.

Anglo-Libyan said...

its a bit too long, I watched some of it but I will try to watch the rest soon inshaAllah.
thanks beacon :o)

Beacon said...

Hi AL,
Good to see you again, I know it is a full length documentary, but believe me its worth watching. I hope you do like it.

Let me know when you see all of it.

mani said...

Beacon.. fantastic.. I actually watched this the first time you ut it up like a month ago.. Im asking here where you vanished to?? :)

Chatalaine / شاتالاين said...

I watched the video from start to finish.
God is good.
Now we need more people to stop and listen. We all have much to learn.


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