Monday, September 29, 2008

Fight Hunger

In life we often lose perspective of our situation, we are blinded to the sad realities of our lives.
This could be unintentional, but its mostly a way the human mind works, it blocks out anything that's painful, terrible or awkward.
But every once in a while, our insight finds us, often uninvited it knocks on the doors of our conscience and elicits the very feelings and painful realities we run from.
One way this pain is elicited is through pictures.
Let me knock the doors of your conscience, permit me to elicit the feelings you like to avoid, the thoughts that you dread.
Dare to help.................
Help to fight hunger:
-Islamic Relief.
-World Food Program.
-The Hunger Site (link also on my sidebar). A click a day will contribute 1.1 cups of food to the hungry for free.
-Free Rice. Donate rice by answering questions.
-Muslim Hands.
-Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP).

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